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Schønherr om sidste sejlads: Det var en tung, lang vej på dødsgangen

Jørgen Schønherr og co tog en 14. plads efter de blev presset over starten ved Dragernes Gold Cup, og fik strafpoint. De sluttede på en samlet 8. plads. Schønherr forklarer på engelsk.

Af Troels Lykke |

Jørgen Schønherr fra Køge skriver på sin facebook-side:

The final race of the Gold Cup was a long and heavy walk on the death row for us.

We wanted to give it all in, and planned to make the start next to the startingvessel, so we could tack right after the start to right side of the course, which has been favored 90 % of the upwind legs.

We didn't expect the fleet to be too aggresive, since the start was made with the Z-flag, which means that the boats over the line one minute before the start would get a 12 points penalty, and a disq. if they didn't restart.

We got the wanted perfect spoot about 45 seconds before the start, but 15 seconds later two boats smashed into our transom with full speed and pushed us oqver the line 5 seconds too early.

Indrømmer 720 grader straf

Both boats ammitted their mistake and made right away a 720 penalty, but it didnt helped the fact the we were pushed over too early.

When the line was clear after the start, we decided to make a restart going around the 85 feet big startingvessel, and restarted about 3 minuttes after all the other boats started.

And to make a long story short, we managed to sail back into the fleet and finished 14nd in that race. This droped us back to a 8th place overall, because we also got the 12 points penalty, eventhough it wasnt our mistake.
At the front Tommy Muller with his crew Michael Lipp and Vincent Hoesch sailed a superb last race and won the Gold Cup one point ahead of Lawrie Smith and crew, skrver Jørgen Schønherr blandt andet.

Se resultatlisten fra Gold Cup
