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Kirketerp rammer Rio i nat og slår rekord

Hvis vinden ikke dropper for meget vil Martin Kirketerp på VO 70eren Maserati slå rekord, når de kommer i mål i aften eller nat. Mandskabet mangler 231 sømil. Ny update fra Kirketerp.

Af Troels Lykke |

Martin Kirketerp skriver til minbaad.dk fra Atlanten, tæt på Rio, holdet vil på ti dage slå en rekord i sejladsen Cape Town - Rio. Rekorden lød før på 12 dage:

Last couple of days have been up and down. The weekend saw less breeze than predicted, and from a bad angle on top of that, meaning that we had to do a lot of extra miles with slow speed.

Still downwind running, but not straight in. That costed a lot of time.

This monday morning was then a lot better than predicted, meaning that we have been catching a bit back again.

Vinden dropper

We are 400 miles out (mandag morgen, nu 231.91 sømil), and breeze is just dropping again. Now we are doing 10-12 knots of boat speed. Hopefully on the final tack towards Rio. But that have been said before.

We got around 8 knots and forecast is 12 at the moment. Breeze should build from around now and end up with sending us into Rio at 20 knots, nice.. Life kinda starts at 20 knots ;-)

Arrival time tuesday evening sometime. Depending on conditions on the finishline.

There is just something about this boat and coming first into Rio, after Ericsson 3 won the leg from China to Rio on this boat.

Next competitor is around 800 miles behind us. Scarlett runner, a Tp52. I think we have to beat her with a couple of days on corrected time.


Champagne-sejlads tæt på Rio med Kirketerp om bord.
