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Martin Kirketerp ses til højre. Se også videoklip med ham.

Maserati og Kirketerp slår rekord med to dage i Cape Town - Rio

Martin Kirketerp har på 10 dage, 11 timer og 29 minutter sejlet 3.900 sømil fra Cape Town til Rio på italiensk VO 70er. - Det er min første rekord, siger Aarhus-sejleren.

Af Troels Lykke |

Martin Kirketerp skriver fra Maserati kort før målstregen i Rio:

Right now we are just cruising in towards Rio, on layline, 14 knots of breeze, and around the same in boat speed. Sun is still up, clear blue ski, beautiful landscape not a bad day at the office.

We have sailed a total of 3900 miles, in 10 days and 11 hours, and broken the record with around 2 days. Straight line the Cape 2 Rio Race is 3300 miles.

For sure a performance we can be happy with. Not to many things broken and everyone onboard is okay. My first record as well.

That being said we are off course not over the finish line and stuff can still always happen. But Rio is getting closer and closer.

Off course getting closer to the finish line, thoughts still go out to Team Angola for there loss of one of her crewmembers.


Maserati kom i mål i nat 00.33 i Rio, lokal tid.

Fotos: Trevor Wilkins
