Bekking og Dolmer vinder BVI-regatta overalt
Grand Soleil 46eren, Antilope, klarede sig super på Tortola, British Virgin Islands. Båden skal nu til Europa, men Bouwe Bekking skal nu sejle på 34 meter Nilaya.
Bouwe Bekking, taktikker på Grand Soleil 46, Antilope, blogger igen til, fra BVI Spring Regatta i Tortola, British Virgin Islands:
Always a big question mark what is happening on the last day and what type of course the RC would lay.
The first race started with an islands course, which was actually looking like a proper up and down course.
Sailed a fantastic beat in 10-11 knots and were leading to our surprise big times on handicap with 3 miles to go the the finish.
Men så kom der et stort vindskift
But then a big windshift appeared and the run turned into a reach while we still had 2 miles to go to the finish and the lighter boats just smoked away and came from behind.
Luckily we managed to secure a 2nd place by only 3 seconds and still had a two point lead.
En buffer på 4 point
Then we got a to out relieve a proper up and down course, in which we sailed brilliantly and scored a 1st, while number two scored a 2nd.
There was still one race to go and we had a buffer of 4 points, but with a dying breeze and another island course everything could happen.
We had a shocker start, and needed to tack immediately to clear our air, it was just a matter of being patient and waiting for a shift, in light it kills you tacking too much, but it meant we separated from the fleet.

Grand Soleil 46, Antilope, i Tortola.
God vendeduel med Farr400
The shift arrived with pressure and we were back in the game, had a nice tacking dual with the two Farr400, who were going nicely in the lighter air upwind.
We sneaked passed then on top of Peter Island, just staying a bit more offshore as right under the cliffs there was less pressure and as well waves bouncing backs of the rocks.
It worked out well and on the last run we saved our time by doing a couple of nice gybes.
Grand Soleil 46, Antilope, tilbage til Europa
So scored another 1st and winning the BVI regatta overall. The Antilope is now going back to Europe, where they will sail a couple of events in the Med, it will be interesting to see how they go there.
For me the sailing has finished with them for the season, as there where too many overlaps in the schedule. Good luck boys. Now on my way to St Barth to sail with Nilaya.